Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 8...

Wow! 1 week under my belt and I can say there is a little extra room under my belt as well. Maybe not a ton, but progress is progress. I don't own a scale, I never cared much for them, in fact I usually cover my eyes at the doctors office when I have to step on one. I don't care much for numbers, I just know when I feel good and when my clothes are fitting the way I'd like (or aren't fitting at all because they are too big, ha). So I don't have any numbers to report, other than I made it 7 days and am ready for the next 7.

Breakfast - I changed it up a bit this morning. I felt like I needed a bit more roughage in my system so I blended up a smoothie as my main breakfast. Two handfuls of baby spinach, a banana, some frozen pineapple and a little bit of water. Just to be sure I wasn't starving and ready to cheat by 10:00, I also ate a hard boiled egg. This turned out to be just what I needed and I felt great all the way until lunch. Bonus - my son drank a small cup of the smoothie that was left in the blender. Always good when I can sneak veggies into him.

Lunch - Kitchen Sink Salad - yeah, that's the best way to describe it. Arugula and spinach topped with just about anything I could find in the fridge - trying to make room after our morning run to Costco, Wegmans and Trader Joes! I threw in roasted beets, roasted sweet potatoes, cucumbers, smoked salmon, half an avocado, dates, pomegranate seeds and topped with a Dijon balsamic dressing.

Snack - With football games on in the background and after my dog for a walk and getting in a workout, I was ready to nibble on something so I had a pear and some shrimp that we picked up from Wegmans. I love that this snack was satisfying, filling, and didn't leave me craving normal football watching food - heck - I think even after just one week I'm changing what I'd even consider "normal" football watching food.

Dinner - Lemon, dill & garlic broiled salmon, sauteed shredded cabbage & green beans. This salmon is so simple, cooks in about 15 minutes and the flavor is off the charts. We've even made this for a dinner party we threw for about 35 people when my father-in-law turned 70 - it's just that good. I left some of the fish unseasoned so my son would eat it - baby steps.

Workout - This was going to be my rest day, but after taking Liddy for a walk, I was feeling full of energy and just really felt like knocking out workout. Now that is a day 8 success! Even better - I still have my rest day to use later this week. Today I did 21 plie squats, 21 air squats, 21 good mornings - then 15, then 9. Then 21 push ups, 21 mountain climbers, 21 sit ups - then 15, then 9.

22 more to go...

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